Due to users’ network flow requirement and usage amount nowadays, TCP/IP networks may face various problems. For one, users of video services may access simultaneously the samecontent,whichleadstothehostincurringextracosts.Second, althoughnearbynodesmayhavethefilethatauserwantstoaccess, the user cannot directly verify the file itself. This issue will lead the user to connect to a remote host rather than the nearby nodes and causesthenetworktraffictogreatlyincrease.Therefore,thenamed data network (NDN), which is based on data itself, was brought about to deal with the aforementioned problems. In NDN, all users can access a file from the nearby nodes, and they can directly verify the file themselves rather than the specific host who holds the file. However, NDN still has no complete standard and secure filetransferprotocoltosupporttheciphertexttransmissionandthe problem of the unknown potential receivers. The straightforward solution is that a sender uses the receiver’s public key to encrypt a file before she/he sends the file to NDN nodes. However, it will limit the behavior of users and incur significant storage costs of NDN nodes. This paper presents a complete secure file transfer protocol, whichcombinesthedatare-encryption,satisfiestherequirementof secure ciphertext transmission, solves the problem of the unknown potential receivers, and saves the significant storage costs of NDN nodes. The proposed protocol is the first one that achieves data confidentiality and solves the problem of the unknown potential receivers in NDN. Finally, we also provide formal security models and proofs for the proposed FTP-NDN.
InNDN,afilewillbespreadwidely, and we cannot anticipate who will request the file. In our protocol, even though the file is spread everywhere, it still keeps its privacy.
That is, when the intermediate nodes transferthefile,theycannotretrieveanyinformationfrom it.
In NDN, the obvious problem is that the producer does not know who her/his potential consumersare.Inourprotocol,theproduceronlyencrypts and sends her/his file to the nearest node, and then she/he can be offline.
Even if an unknown consumer wants to request this file, the intermediate nodes will re-encrypt the file into a form that can be retrieved by the consumer.
In NDN, not all files are to be shared with everyone. There exists some private files to be shared with authorized consumers only. In our protocol, we as- sume that the authorized consumers are registered as NDN users.
Thus, we achieve access control, which can enable the sharing of private files with authorized con- sumers, where unauthorized consumers or intermediate nodes have no ability to retrieve the file. However, fine- grained access control would not be possible without sac- rificing the nondesignated receivers property.
WITH the rapid development of the Internet, an increas- ing number of wired and wireless devices have been connected to the Internet such that the network flow is growing faster and larger. Most multimedia contents existing in the IP address architecture can be accessed by the users. Although the IP address-based network can establish conversations between two communication hosts, it is not always efficient for content distribution. When a user wants to access a file, the user may face two problems as follows. 1) Multicast Problem: When nu- meroususerswanttosimultaneouslyaccessthefilecontent,they must query the remote server at the same time.
This behavior will overload the server and increase users’ waiting time. The servermaypreparebackupspacetocopewiththisphenomenon. However, this problem is fundamentally the IP address-based network architecture problem. 2) Host Authentication: When users want to access the file content, they typically only trust an authenticated remote server rather than neighboring server nodes. Although neighboring nodes have the same file con- tent, users still do not access their file content from neighboring nodes.Userscannotdirectlyauthenticatethefilebecausecurrent Internet architecture is centered on hosts; and the identity of the host must be authenticated before the file content is accessed. In this research we examine Named Data Network (NDN), a novel network architecture, which is a communication architecture built on hierarchically named data
1) KGC: In our protocol, we assume that KGC can be fully trusted. The main function of KGC is to produce the private key for each registered user and generate re- encryption keys for intermediate nodes. 2) Intermediate nodes: In our protocol, we assume that in- termediate nodes can be semitrusted and online. An entity is semitrusted means that it is honest-but-curious, i.e., it performs the protocol but it may try to derive some secret information that does not belong to it.
The main focus of the intermediate nodes is to re-encrypt and forward the data or the information to the other intermediate nodes or authorized consumers who send the interest packets. 3) Authorized consumers: An authorized consumer is a user who has registered in the NDN network. 4) Unauthorized consumers: An unauthorized consumer is a user or a device who has not registered in the NDN network.
The NDN is a novel network architecture, and there are some issues around it that can be studied. In NDN transmission, there isnocompletesecurefiletransferprotocol.Noneoftheprevious transmission schemes can deal with the potential consumers problem. This paper has presented the first secure file transfer protocol based on re-encryption, which can cope with the problem of unknown potential consumers.
The proposed protocol enables intermediate nodes to perform only re-encryption, but they have no ability to decrypt ciphertexts. To achieve the nondesignated receivers property, we apply data re-encryption to protect the transmission. Moreover, it also has the access control property that allows authorized users to access the desired file. We first solve the unknown potential consumers problem on secure file transmission in NDN. It leads us to satisfy the nondesignated receivers property with low space complexity.