Railway ticket reservation will help the passengers to book their tickets fortheir journey, search train between two stations and get details of particulartrain schedules including their fare details. To use this system, its usersshould be registered and should have a valid login and password to maketheir reservation. Even if users who have not their valid login id andpassword can make new registration and get their id and set password as pertheir choice. The main objective of this login module is to keep eachpassengers safe which will not allowed to make fraud and make theirtransactions secure.
After making registration passengers have to enter thesource and destination station name and the system will able to provide thelist of all available trains for particular destination and their arrival anddeparture time and date. Upon selecting particular train, system will able todisplay the number of seats available under particular coach type and coachwill be either sleeper class, three tier or two tier. To book their ticketspassengers have to select coach type and total number of passengers andpassengers will be provided with choice to select the seat numbers as pertheir location and their location also such as upper birth, middle birth orlower birth or seat chair. hen all the selection work will be done,passengers will be provided with total fare charges and mode of paymentwhich they want to select for making !nal payment.
Used for information the Trains details.
Used for managing the details of Booking.
Used for managing the details of customer .
Used for managing the information and details.
Used for managing the station details.
Used for managing the fare information.
Used for managing the loging details.
used for managing the users of the system.
Under e"isting system passengers were only provided with list of trainsbetween two stations and train number is only the available information bythey can take an action. Under e"isting system passengers were not able toget information on their arrival and department and route by which particulartrain will travel. #assengers were only able to select the seat number and notprovided which seat type they want to select and this sometimes not createsa familiar environment during their journey. $uring making payment !nalvalidation and authori%ation was one by system to identify the particularpassengers to make deduction for their fare charges to make !nalreservation.
Under this new railway ticket reservation, each passengers will go throughthe two steps identi!cation and authentication process. The !rst checkup willbe done at the login time and second checkup will be don
Nowadays in this generation every work is required to be done in an easy way to efficiently use time and effort yet still having a productive report. An example of this is upgrading Femar Garden hotel and resort existing manual reservation system to online reservation system. Having this implemented, the administrator/head organizer and the receptionist will have the ability to conveniently access customers within and outside the vicinity of Antipolo. Thus giving them ease and less burden of encoding, recording and generating reports manually. Also with this online reservation system femar’s customers will have the convenience of reserving a room or booking an event whenever they want at the comfort of their own home.
Integrating their reservation system with a more modern online based reservation system and better software, information processed will become more precise, reliable, accessible and secure, with the use of internet, interview and observation method the proponents suggest a simple yet systematic implementation of an online based reservation system whose software will include modules such as home module, Registration and Verification, Security, booking/event planning, Log-in, monitoring (calendar, rooms, confirmed reservation, pending reservation, not completed and users/members account), repots, file maintenance, FAQ/help and about module.