Shipping Management is web based application that provide a Luggage and parcel booking for an organisation. It facilates the organisation to send Parcel to destination and receive parcel from other organization for delivery. It contains all the information related to Booking, Delivery and Transhipment of the Parcel. The main advantage in this project is that, it has all the details of the transhipment like the vehicle no and the driver name of the corresponding parcel.
In this user will login to the website. In this module we provide authentication to user. Authentication will be provided by getting the details of the user like username and password.
This module is user for booking a luggage or parcel. The employee incharge fills the waybill entry form. It contain all the information regarding the consignee , consignor, commodity details, freight details, insurance and delivery details.
The Delivery Form is Filled By the Employee. It contains all details about the parcel, delivery details and the billing details of the delivered parcel.
In this module the parcel is despatched .the details like vehicle, driver, depatched date, despatced to place and the total packages are submitted. Unloading the Despatch is also performed here, which contains information about arrived date and godown details
Booking and delivery reports are provided in this module.
In this module both the user and customer will pay the amount. Payment mode means by which a payment is made, such as cash, check or credit. Frequency with which a sum is paid, such as monthly, quarterly, or annually.
Existing System is desktop application, so it can be used in a range of computers. As private agencies are allowed to book online, this desktop application is not efficient to meet that needs. In Existing system the system the people work together to achieve the objectives of the company.
It contains all the information related to Booking, Delivery and Transhipment of the Parcel. The main advantage in this project is that, it has all the details of the transhipment like the vehicle no and the driver name of the corresponding parcel.Shipping Management is web based application that provide a Luggage and parcel booking for an organization. In this user will login to the website. In this module we provide authentication to user.