Examination plays a very important role in college and it is held at regular intervals. During the examination there may be a shortage of question paper, answer sheet, malpractice, staff alteration and other requirement of student. Currently Exam cell activity mostly includes a lot of manual calculations and is mostly paper based. The project aims to bring in a centralized system that will ensure the activities in the context of an examination that can be effectively managed. The project aims to bring in a centralized system that will ensure the activities in the context of an examination that can be effectively managed. The System which automates the complete life cycle of the examination management.
In this module, the examiner will logon to this web Application on Exam cell management system and insert the exam details. It will contain Class code, Session, Department, Subject code, Examination name, Semester, Subject name and Date of the exam, etc. The examiner will have facilities to select the subject, where students will appear for the exam.
In this module, we customize the arrangement of seats according to the department and number of students appearing for the examination for a particular session on a day. Hall wise strength this method allows us to get view regarding the seating arrangement allotted for every hall according to the department details of the students to be seated.The purpose of this examination seating planning is to describe all the requirements for the Examination in charge .
The intended audience include in the potential system. These include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following: Exam centre, date sheet, roll list and room list. We are consulting this examination seating planning and its revisions as the only source of requirements for the project.They should not consider any requirements statements, written or verbal as valid until they appear in this document or its revision.In this module, seating arrangements are categorized into two types. There are given below: Individual seating plan, Overall seating plan.
Template management for question papers cover label with facility to keep pre-defined templates in the database. This module automatically generates the question paper label covers it consists the following details. Hall number Subject name Subject code No. of Student
Template management for answer sheet cover label also keep in the database. This module automatically generates the Answer sheet label cover label covers it consists the following details. Hall number Subject name Total no. Of Student No. Of Student present No. Of student absent
Once the credentials of the admin are verified, after the login process the admin can click on generate results. The admin needs to select the year, semester, and particular subject or overall whose result needs to be generated. The ERP module would search for the related results from database, retrieve result related data and process the data as per requirement and display the results. Once the results are generated the admin can opt for analysis and acquire reports on performance of students.
Currently Exam cell activity mostly includes a lot of manual calculations and is mostly paper based. The amount of work makes the exam cell process very slow and tedious. The system requires maintaining a lot of documents. Handling of such important documents is again a tedious work. Also retrieval of important facts and statistics will consume time.Currently Exam cell activity mostly includes a lot of manual calculations and is mostly paper based. The amount of work makes the exam cell process very slow and tedious. The system requires maintaining a lot of documents. Handling of such important documents is again a tedious work. Also retrieval of important facts and statistics will consume time.
In our proposed work, our aim is to centralize the exam cell management system that will ensure the activities in the context of an examination that can be effectively managed. The project aim is to bring in a centralized system that will ensure the activities in the context of an examination that can be effectively managed. The System which automates the complete life cycle of the examination management such as adding the details of the student, invigilators, question papers, class room etc and preparing examination schedules, absentees list, invigilator allocation list, class room allocation list etc. By automating the examination system, the coordinators of the examination can conduct the examination systematically. By computerizing the examination system, the examinations are conducted smoothly, error free and systematically.